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Milk Thistle /Silymarin/

  • Super User

Silymarin has been widely used for liver treatment in Europe for many centuries. Nicholas Culpeper, one of the 17th century best-known herbalists, was first to record the value of milk thistle in treating diseases of the liver and spleen.

This rare herbal plant of high value can be planted and also grows in the wild so has no effect on soil degradation. Silymarin is widely used in treatment of the liver diseases (liver cancer, hepatitis, and jaundice) and to detoxify liver. It is rich in antioxidants and protects liver cell membranes.

Silymarin prefers very dry and sunny climate and grows well in dry soil. Taking advantage of these features, our company imported its seeds from China and introduced them to Mongolian soil and we are now working on naturalising it. On top of exporting our crops to China, we are also aiming to introduce this rare and wild plant to local market of herbal medicines.